SDEAf Grant to Institutions
As a decentralized post-secondary grant program, our objective is to empower colleges and universities with funding to provide financial assistance to students. SDEAF partners with the colleges and universities to administer the grant program to students, rather than SDEAF selecting individual student recipients. Once a college or university is approved for an SDEAF grant, the decision-making process is delegated to the individual school.
About This Program Program Results Participating schoolsCollege Access Advising Program (CAAP)
SDEAF partners with Mapping Your Future to provide college access advising services to high school students and families in South Dakota. The goals of CAAP include increasing knowledge among students, families, school guidance counselors, and other college access professionals.
About This ProgramTransitional Math, English and Reading Dual Credit Grant Program
This grant is designed to assist high school students who will be required to take a transitional math, English, or reading class prior to enrolling in a college introductory math or English class.
SDEAF is partnering with Northern State University to fund remedial English, math, and reading courses meeting the SD Board of Regents system remedial education requirements. High school seniors attending a public high school within South Dakota who are eligible for free/reduced lunch may be eligible to participate in this program and receive both high school and college credit at NO COST. The student’s tuition and textbooks fees are paid by a grant from SDEAF.
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